Open Markets Institute

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Open Markets Applauds President’s 2025 Funding for DOJ Antitrust Division

Urges Appropriations Committee to Fully Restore Popular Merger Filing Fees Modernization Act 

WASHINGTON - Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn released the following statement regarding President Biden’s FY2025 budget request

“We are grateful to see that the White House FY2025 budget request not only restored recent cuts in funding for the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division but also added an additional $55 million in support. We also applaud the White House’s commitment to seeing that the Antitrust Division receives all of the fees from merger filings.  

“Cuts made to the agency in recent 2024 budget negotiations are antithetical to protecting American democracy and national security and must be reversed. 

 “That’s why we look forward to seeing the Senate Appropriations Committee follow the White House’s lead and the will of the people by restoring the 2022 Merger Filing Fees Modernization Act -- a bill that passed the Senate in a historic 88-8 vote and that is critical to ensuring the Antitrust Division’s ability to complete its essential mission.” 
